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Update on Oct. 8th Meeting

Dear Timberwood Community.

As many of you are aware, we had a board and community meeting this morning where it was officially announced that I was approved and named President of the Board of Directors of the Home Owners Association (HOA) of Timberwood of Naples.

For those that were not in attendance, I wanted to offer the same personal introduction and communicate to my neighbors why I decided to request consideration for the open Board position.

I have a professional background and a skill set that will fit the needs of our community right now, especially during this critical time. Some of those are:

* Over 20 years of experience working in the non profit sector including as a consultant,

* 6 years in the travel industry currently working as the Director of Business Development for U.S. Markets for a global destination management company,

* Served on several boards of directors for non profits, and

* Worked in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina doing disaster response and recovery work in the Lower 9th Ward mobilizing tens of thousands of volunteers from around the country.

That having been said, I am ready to put those skills to work for my community! I strongly feel that if we can come together as neighbors and harness the skills we have amongst us, we will be able to come back from this even stronger than we were before. I have provided a very condensed synopsis below here of some of the other pertinent updates provided during the meeting.


I built a new website for the neighborhood. Our old website at timberwoodofnaples.COM will have the domain name eventually ported over, but in the meantime, the new website is at timberwoodofnaples.ORG where you will also find a "members only" section. You will need to create a user name and password which will need to be approved as its for owners only.


On the members only section of the website you will find an Irma Damage Report Form. PLEASE EVERYONE FILL THIS OUT even if you have already reported your damage in some other format. We had a lot of information circulating between MPM and different members of the board. In order to move forward in a more organized fashion, we need to have the information in one

place where we can run reports for contractors.


During normal times, homeowners are responsible for the maintenance of their unit except for where the HOA is responsible for the siding and the roof minus any homeowner modifications like skylights. However, because we have a "qualifying event" with Hurricane Irma, the HOAs insurance policy will be kicking in. The insurance that the HOA carries is the same as a Condo Association in that it will cover all the exterior inward including the sheetrock and the owners are individually responsible for any interior damage from the paint inward. The lanais are not covered by the HOA policy as they are not part of the original structure and therefore also remain as a homeowner responsibility. If you need a copy of the HOA insurance policy and the CCR documents for your insurance company, you can find this on the website in the members only section under documents.

Please stay tuned for more updates!

All the best,

Michelle McCormick

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